Shout out to my PR brother, Chris Lynn of socialTNT

August 13, 2008 at 9:01 am (SHIFT, socialTNT) (, , , , )

My good friend, mentor, editor and former colleague Chris Lynn posted on his blog today about leaving SHIFT. Last Friday was a very sad day for all of us in the San Francisco office as Chris packed up his things and prepared for the next step in his career journey.

Chris was not just a social media guru, whip-smart talent, and all-around fab PR pro to me. He challenged me to become a better professional and to strive for greater heights in my own career. He was my partner in crime at industry tech parties, someone I grabbed lunch with, the guy who made all of us in the office laugh with his good-natured humor and sharp wit and was constantly the life of the party when us SHIFTers would get together for drinks after hours. I know he’ll continue to be an integral part of my life even as he moves past SHIFT and onto the next horizon.

I’ll miss you, Chris, but I’m so happy for you and I can’t wait to see you go on to more successes in your career!

A favorite pic I took of Chris with the lovely Kristen Nicole of Mashable at StumbleUpon’s 5 million users party at 111 Minna in SF

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